UNRELEASED Magic Snowman!

FarmVille and Zynga will soon be releasing another building that will require some elbow grease in order to get some great rewards. The Magic Snowman is coming up next and willwork in conjunction with the Ice Palace we have already shown you. Using Magic Snowflakes, Aurora Dust and other items you will increase the look and size of your Magic Snowman in order to get better rewards. We will post more information as we find it, but for now, this is what we have…

Magic Snowman Pop Up
Magic SnowmanMagic SnowmanMagic SnowmanMagic SnowmanMagic Snowman PackMagic Snowflake

Here are some of the possible rewards for when this is released. These are likely to be the rewards but can always change down the road. They are the Aurora Cat, Aurora Unicorn, Moon Tree, Aurora Fence, Starry Pond and Starbright Sheep.
Aurora CatAurora UnicornMoon TreeAurora FenceStarry PondStarbright Sheep


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